Gas Sampling Solutions
Emissions & Process Monitoring
Gas Sampling Solutions
Emissions & Process Monitoring
Emissions & Process Monitoring
Emissions & Process Monitoring
Whether utilizing the industry known in-situ dilution probe, our ex-situ diluting module, or our latest portable heated sampler ... our sampling instruments are designed to function as a sample conditioning and transport system. These gas samplers prepare the sample from the stack, duct or process, so that it can be measured accurately and precisely by ambient level analyzers. At its heart is an air driven aspirator (eductor pump), which extracts a continuous low-flow sample from the source gas stream. It is precisely metered by a preselected glass or metal orifice, and diluted with the motive air within the diluting aspirator. This process has now reduced the dew point of the source gas sample to below that of the ambient air. It prepares the often warm, wet, sticky and particulate laden sample, so that it can be transported (at a positive pressure) via an unheated umbilical line to the analyzer.
Title IV of the United States’ Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 established emission standards for the primary pollutants (sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) responsible for acid rain. To ensure that these emissions standards are met, Title IV required all affected utilities to install Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) systems to measure sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon dioxide (CO2), diluent gases (CO2 or oxygen), flue gas velocity, and opacity. The In-situ Dilution Probe has played an integral role in helping utilities comply with the requirements of the U.S. EPA’s Acid Rain Program. Utilized in most of the Part 75 CEM systems installed in the United States, these dilution systems offer significant advantages over in-situ monitoring and source-level extractive systems and provide a means for directly measuring pollutant gas concentrations. Since then, many original installations are still in operation today, and also utilized by many stack testing companies for compliance testing (RATA).
The ASI Model DM‐200 Series Gas Diluting Modules have been developed to meet the requirements of some of our more specialized applications, where our standard in‐situ dilution probe or a rather complex and expensive ex‐situ (extractive) dilution system are simply not practical. Whether your primary diluting device is to be used as a stand‐alone unit for laboratory applications, or integrated within an OEM's heated filter system design for CEM Systems (thereby producing a basic ex‐situ diluting sampler), or even integrated into your ambient level gas analyzer for process monitoring, the DM‐200 is a great solution.
Depending on the specifics of the application, there may be a need or desire to heat the diluting module itself (e.g.; due to anticipated ambient temperature swings or fluctuations, or gas composition which requires hot sample to avoid reactions, pre-dilution condensate, salt formations, etc.). The DM-200 can of course be heated, and is a standard feature with our latest DM-200HB Diluting Sampler. This sampler has our DM-200 Diluting Module built into an insulated stainless enclosure, and utilizes our innovative heat exchanger (powered by a 400W heater). This ensures stable sampling temperature above the dewpoint for the pre-dilution sample, and also for the bypass sample flow. An integral K-Type thermocouple sensor allows for system temperature control using your favorite basic ramp/soak controller. With an optional by-pass pump, this makes a great mobile (portable) sampler for special stack testing challenges, standalone lab testing, and special process monitoring.
We have a wide range of standard Critical Orifice (sonic orifice) styles and flows to suit your diluting application. Critical Orifice styles for use with your in-situ and out-of-stack diluting sample probes, our ESP direct extractive probes, inertial filter diluting probes, laboratory diluters and more.
Standard Materials include Glass, Quartz, Monel-400®, and Stainless 316. Standard Max. Temperatures up to 750°F (400°C), High Temperature Critical Orifices (Sonic Orifices) are available for your applications up to 1000°F (540°C).
ASI is a proven leader for Quality Parts and Best Selection of critical orifice flows and materials you will find for your gas sampling instruments and systems.
The ASI Model ESP-050 Series Direct Extractive Sample Probe ("ESP") is designed to function as a low-flow sample filtering and metering instrument. It is a variant of our originally designed Straight Extractive Sample Tip (aka "SEST"). The ESP Probe is a non-dilution gas sampling probe, which provides sample to a "source-level" analyzer. The ESP-050 probe, connected to an external suction pump (integral to your analyzer or other mechanical or air driven educator pump), extracts a continuous sample from the source gas stream. The gas sample is then passed consecutively through coarse and fine particulate filters (mesh screen, quartz wool, and sintered frit), a preselected glass or metal critical orifice, and is then transported to the analyzer. The critical orifice (sonic orifice) serves as the flow metering component to ensure a constant and precise flow rate for the gas extraction.
During the servicing of your in-situ dilution probe, there are various consumable parts that we sometimes need to replace. We are often asked if we can make these parts available directly to the customer for spare parts inventory. We certainly do offer these parts, and many other replacement parts for your dilution probes and our other gas sampling instruments as well.
Our Standard Service has become very popular with many of our customers. Many Utilities take advantage of this service during their scheduled maintenance shutdowns, as a part of their QA/QC and Periodic Maintenance practices. Many stack testing companies also rely on us to keep their probes in good working condition. Send us your instruments for a free evaluation!
Alpha Suite Inc. ("ASI") is a USA based OEM which designs, develops, and supplies scientific instruments utilized in gas sampling and monitoring applications, mostly associated with process emissions. Specific instrumentation includes; In-Situ Dilution Extractive Probes, Ex-Situ Diluting Modules, Precise Low-Flow ("Low Pressure") Direct Extractive Probes, Probe Heaters, Critical Orifices (Sonic Orifices), Related Instruments, Spare Parts, Maintenance and Repair Services. These instruments are most commonly used in Smoke Stack CEMS (Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems), RATA or similar Test Audit Compliance, Process Monitoring, and specialized Laboratory Applications.
ASI was originally formed with the primary focus of providing Integrators and end-users of the former EPM Dilution Probe a source for service that was experienced, reliable and consistent. ASI's knowledge base includes the unmatched experience and expertise from hundreds of reconditioned and repaired dilution probes and related components for over the last 20 years. With the support of existing instruments still at its core, ASI has since become a well-known and respected global source of these instruments and other innovative gas sampling solutions.
Our regular business hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday - CST. But that certainly does not mean you cannot get in touch with us outside of these hours or during the weekend! We understand that there may be times when our customers need support ASAP, so we do our best to check emails and voice messages during our off hours.
Alpha Suite Inc.